Billing Policies: 1. Discounts: The oldest child will receive a discount of $2.00 a day or $10.00 a week (includes children enrolled in Foley Falcon University). Discounts are not given on field trips, half day rates, or AM/PM care. 2. Vacations: There will be no "vacation days" because you only pay for what you schedule. In order to secure a spot for your child, schedules are due Wednesday of the previous week. 3. Absences: Daily fees for scheduled days are assessed without exception. 4. Legal Holidays: Closing dates will be posted 2 weeks prior to Holidays. Rates will be based on the number of days scheduled for those weeks. 5. Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are included in all fees. Each child is asked to sign up for classroom snack to share with their class each month. Infants must provide their own food and formula until they are on table food and whole milk. 6. Payments: Parents must prepay for the reserved days of child care. Payments are due on the first day of attendance for the new week. A $1 late charge per day will be assessed for late payments. Children who are classified as "drop in" should pay their fees the day of services. Each month a summary statement of charges and payments will be prepared. All discrepancies should be taken care of promptly. A $30 fee will be assessed for returned checks; any account with two returned checks in a period of six months will need to pay in cash or money order. 7. Past Due Accounts: Families that fall two or more weeks behind on payments will not be allowed to bring child(ren) until a payment plan is set up or until the account is brought up to date. 8. Extra fees: A $5 fee per child, per 15 minutes, is assessed for children who are picked up after 6:00 PM. Late fees must be paid directly to the employee on duty upon arrival of late pick up.